Blog > Young Farmers Benefit from the Beginning Farmers Loan Program
Yes, it's true, young farmers can get a loan and buy farm land. I've helped several young farmers locate and purchase their own farms, ranging is size from 40 to 300 acres, utilizing the USDA Beginning Farmers Loan Program. Great opportunities exist for new farmers, willing to educate themselves and work through the government process.
Whether you're a young farmer from a multi-generational farm family, or someone that is new to farming, I encourage you to reach-out and ask questions by contacting your local USDA Office. After all, they're not making any more land, right? And it's not likely to get cheaper as time goes by.
USDA Excerpt:
"Each year, the Farm Service Agency targets a portion of its lending by setting aside a portion of all loan funds for financing beginning farmer and rancher operations.
A beginning farmer is defined as one who:
- Has not operated a farm or ranch for more than 10 years
- Does not own a farm or ranch greater than 30 percent of the average size farm in the county
- Meets the loan eligibility requirements of the program to which he/she is applying
- Substantially participates in the operation"
Author: Dennis Prussman
Dennis specializes in marketing Missouri land. His background includes 30 plus years of Internet marketing with a focus on real estate advertising. During this period he has developed relationships with buyers and sellers from across the country. His targeted advertising formula is meant to reach local, regional, and nationwide owners/operators and investors. Dennis believes when selling a farm, large or small, you have one opportunity to maximize it's full potential. For this reason, it's important to reach-out to as many buyer prospects as possible. Dennis is committed to professional client service and attention to detail. Local and out of state references available upon request.